2811-R46KR447000M1K Kemet Capacitor: polypropylene; X2,suppression capacitor; 4.7uF; ±10%

Part Nnumber
Capacitor: polypropylene; X2,suppression capacitor; 4.7uF; ±10%
Basic price
0,93 EUR

The product with part number 2811-R46KR447000M1K (Capacitor: polypropylene; X2,suppression capacitor; 4.7uF; ±10%) is from company Kemet and distributed with basic unit price 0,93 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Capacitor type : polypropylene Capacitor kind : X2; suppression capacitor Capacitors series : R46 Capacitance : 4.7µF Terminal pitch : 27.5mm Tolerance : ±10% Body dimensions : 32 x 22 x 37mm Climate class : 40/110/56 (IEC 60068-1) Operating temperature : -40...110°C Mounting : THT Max. operating voltage : 275V AC; 560V DC Lead length : 4mm Manufacturer : KEMET

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